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Sue Russell's Shop

Average Rating3.55
(based on 46 reviews)

I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Nelson Mandela Guided Reading Play

Nelson Mandela Guided Reading Play

Nelson Mandela Guided Reading Play (or Readers Theater). 6 speakers plus quiz. An in-depth discussion amongst the key 'players' in Mandela's life, raising many issues for further discussion among students. This is one of a collection of 5 plays - Unit 20 Famous People of the 20th Century: 1. Martin Luther King 2. Nelson Mandela 3. Mahatma Gandhi 4. John Lennon 5. Prominent Women (Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Marie Curie, Mother Theresa, Margaret Thatcher and Princess Diana) Speakers: Nelson Mandela Winnie (second wife) Desmond Tutu P.W. Botha (Nationalist Party - hardliner) F.W. de Klerk (Nationalist Party - moderate) Nobel Peace Committee Sample Text: Mandela: 1994! What a year in South African history! Winnie: The year you became South Africa's first black President! Botha: The year the African National Congress won the election. De Klerk: The year millions lined up to vote with Nelson Mandela for the first time. Winnie: The year my husband said "We are moving from an era of resistance, division, oppression, turmoil and conflict and starting a new era of hope, reconciliation and nation-building. I sincerely hope that the mere casting of a vote ... will give hope to all South Africans." Tutu: And it did that all right! After all those years of injustice and suffering. At last the battle was won! Also written by Sue Russell: Black History: • The Slave Trade • Heroes of the Underground Railroad • Amazing Women in the American Civil Rights Movement • Martin Luther King • Nelson Mandela And American Heroes: • Heroes of the American War of Independence • Heroes of the Underground Railroad • Native American Heroes • Heroes in Science and Space Exploration • Heroes from Different Walks of Life (incl. children) And Amazing Women: • From across the world 15th – 20th century • From across the world 20th century • In the American Women’s Suffrage Movement • In the American Civil Rights Movement • And First Ladies 31-35 (taken from First Ladies collection)
Dinosaur Guided Reading Scripts

Dinosaur Guided Reading Scripts

Dinosaurs Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) with quizzes Also available: Dinosaurs Rock Assembly or Class Play Sample Texts Play 1 ‘Favourites' Steg: Hmm. Not blindingly obvious! But then I'm not famous for my brains! T. Rex: No. That goes for a lot of you ‘tiny headed' plant eaters! Dippie: Nothing wrong with having a brain the size of a walnut! Brachie: Here! Here! But what was your other name, Steg? I don't think you got round to telling us. Steg: Er, um. T.Rex: Let me help! It's ‘covered lizard' or ‘roof lizzard'. Steg: Ah yes! That's it! And of course I have that name because .... Er... um.. Try: Oh come on, Steg! Try a little harder! Steg: All right, Mister Try, Try and Try-again-ceratops! Play 2 The Biggest! (Earth shaking) Cecil: Whoa! Sorry everyone! That happens every time I move! Chicken: Then please don't! It's really scary for one as small as me! Car: Chicken! You'd better toughen up if you're gonna stick around with us big boys! Mam: Yeah! Better be careful we don't trip over this one! Chicken: I might be small but I could win a running race against you lot - hands down! Cecil: Well, if it came to feet down, you'd be well and truly squashed under me! Thebiggest! Mam: And without wishing to stick my neck out .... Guess what I'm most famous for? Gig: Nothing to do with having the longest neck ever, I don't suppose? Play 3 The Deadliest Deinonychus: Certainly could! Size isn't everything, you know! I probably had the deadliest reputation out of all of you! Allosaurus: When you were hunting in packs you were unstoppable. Deinonychus: Indeed. I was the supreme pack hunter! I had no enemies. Not surprising with a name like ‘Terrible Claw'! My very own flick knife! Play 4 Head Bangers! 2-Ridge: So, I'm guessing we're not all heading for the nearest beauty pageant! Dome-head: I'm not ashamed of my ...(pauses) slightly unusual looks! Long-crest: Nor me! We should be proud of our crests and lumps and bumps! Helmet-head: Right on! We've got nothing to hide .. Trumpet-head: Not even under that helmet?! Helmet-head: Or what about up your trumpet? Play 5 Flyers and Swimmers Pteranodon: (Sniffing) There's something very fishy going on here. Pterodactylus: That's it! We're all - or nearly all - fish-eaters! Mosasaurus: Though I wasn't fussy! I'd eat anything! Elasmosaurus: You certainly had the jaws for it! I guess you just swam along with them wide open!
Anglo-Saxons Guided Reading Scripts

Anglo-Saxons Guided Reading Scripts

The Anglo-Saxon Guided Reading Scripts 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes Also available as an assembly or class play Play 1 Introduction King Arthur: I'll say! All we wanted in 410 A.D. was a ‘quick fix'. Guthrum: Funny how raiding, invading and then conquering often end up with settling. Vikings did that too! Asser: How true! The Anglo-Saxons started their raiding in 350 A.D. Then started invading in 430 A.D. and then settled themselves in Britain just 20 years later! Play 2 Anglo-Saxon Life Freya: Now, now dear! Don't be too harsh. They're a bit simple, this lot. I mean, just look at where they live! Thor: Yes, in a wooden house, with an open fire in the middle Freya: And no chimney! No wonder they stink of smoke! Play 3 Sutton Hoo Discovery Raedwald: And didn't you have a dream - about a funeral procession and treasures? Edith Pretty: Funny you should say that! Yes, I did! How do you know about that? Raedwald: Well, I was in it! I was getting tired of watching you and your son counting the rabbits on those burial mounds, every day! I kept thinking, when are they going to realise what riches they're standing on! Play 4 Beowulf King Hroogar: right party pooper! Just because you're too miserable to enjoy a bit of singing and dancing! Grendel: Woken from my sleep by your partying! No wonder I was driven to murder! Beowulf: But to go and kill those warriors, while they were sleeping! What cowardice! King Hroogar: And then to eat them! Grendel: How yummy! Now, if you'll excuse me! I'm off for a nap - let this lot digest before I come back for more! Play 5 Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Merlin: And those emblems around your necks? Guinevere: To remind them to lead pure lives, always seeking the very best, on the path of the Holy Grail - that symbol of God's grace. Arthur: Yes, that was the cross. But haven't you forgotten the red dragon and what that stood for? Lancelot? Lancelot: You mean serving my king? Well I did that on the battlefield. It just slipped my mind at other times. Arthur: Yes, like when you were near my wife!
Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Guided Reading Scripts

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilization Guided Reading Scripts

Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation Guided Reading Scripts 5 scripts, 6 speakers each, plus quiz for each script. Approximately 5 minutes reading time for each (not including the quiz) 1. When? 2. Where? 3. The Story of Muhammed 4. Beliefs of Islam 5. World Religions An assembly on the Baghdad Early Islamic Civilisation is also available from Sue Russell plus An Assembly on Islam which tells the story of Muhammed and gives a brief outline of Islamic beliefs Sample Text Script 1: When? Narrator: So. When does the story begin? Child 1: Well, I suppose you could say it started with Muhammed. Child 2: He was, after all, the founder of Islam. Narrator: Dates? Child 3: Muhammed was born around 570 AD. Child 4: Islam began in 610 AD when Muhammed became Allah’s messenger Child 5: His prophet. Narrator: And what was his mission? Child 5: To deliver the Qur’an or the Word of God. Narrator: Aha! So that was how Islam began. Now let’s talk about how it spread. Child 1: Well, Muhammed himself died in 632 AD Child 2: But his followers continued to spread the message of Islam. Narrator: You mean, Muslims? Child 3: Correct. And today there are over one thousand million! Narrator: But let’s not gloss over the history that quickly! I want to hear all about that Golden Age! Child 4: Ah! You mean up until the 14th century? Child 5: Yes. Shame about those Mongol invaders, destroying pretty much everything they could lay their hands on. Child 1: Which included that amazing city of Baghdad!
The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play

The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play

The Mayflower Set of Guided Reading Scripts or Class Play Includes Poem – The Mayflower – written by Sue Russell From Scrooby, to Amsterdam, to Leyden, to Plymouth in the ‘New World' - hardly the most direct route those Pilgrims could have taken (did they not have Satellite Navigation Systems in those days?!)And it was hardly ‘plain sailing' all the way when they got there - disease, harsh environment, terrible weather - certainly a disappointment for anyone out for a holiday! But after such unpromising beginnings, great things developed -including friendship with the locals, defying all fears previously harbored; and a great Thanksgiving tradition born (minus the turkeys and cranberries - let's try to stick to the facts here!) This Class Play, written to Readers Theater format, is written in 5 parts: 1. Background 2. Mayflower Voyage 3. First Sight of Land 4. First Winter and Spring 5. First Thanksgiving with 6 speakers for each part. The play can be used either within the classroom, reading out loud in groups of 6; or as a ‘performance' with the optional inclusion of music and a ‘Mayflower Song'. Sample Text 1.Background Speakers: Narrator William Brewster (Became religious leader of Plymouth settlement) William Bradford (Became second governor of settlement - for 36 years) Dorothy Bradford (Wife of William) Richard Clyfton (Preacher - stayed in Amsterdam) John Robinson (Teacher - stayed at Leyden) Narrator: Our story begins in the year 1606 - in the tiny English village of Scrooby. Dorothy: Are you men still sitting around talking? Bradford: Indeed we are! Robinson: We have so much to discuss, before we depart these fair shores - for Holland. Dorothy: Are you sure it is necessary for us to make this move? Clyfton: If it wasn't, we certainly wouldn't be doing it. Dorothy: I mean, all that upheaval and disruption to our lives and our children's .. Brewster: We understand just how you feel. But we have no choice. Bradford: If we stay here we will continue to be persecuted Clyfton: And for what? What is our crime? Robinson: Only that of wanting a simpler form of worship Clyfton: One that doesn't require there to be a priest between us and God. Extract from ‘Mayflower Song' (set to Bobby Shafto tune) Just the Mayflower fit to sail Things went fine until that gale Then directions them did fail And sent them too far northward.
American Heroes Guided Reading Scripts

American Heroes Guided Reading Scripts

American Heroes Guided Reading Scripts This set of 5 plays (6 speakers each) and 5 quizzes dips into the lives of 30 American heroes and heroines - from the American War of Independence, Underground Railway, world of science, different walks of life such as entertainment and including children, and great Native Americans - all of whom strove against massive odds, and came out on top - an inspiration to us all. • Heroes of the American War of Independence Speakers: George Washington Samuel Adams John Adams Thomas Paine Benjamin Franklin Paul Revere • Heroes of the Underground Railroad Speakers: Ex-Slaves: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas and Josiah Henson White Abolitionists: Laura Haviland, Levi Coffin and Thomas Garret • Native American Heroes Speakers: Sitting Bull (Sioux leader) Geronimo (Apache warrior) Chief Joseph (Nez Perce leader) Tecumseh (Shawnee leader) Pocahontas (daughter of Chief Powhatan) Sacagawea (‘guide' on Lewis & Clark's trans-continent expedition) • Heroes in Science Speakers: Neil Armstrong (astronaut: first man to walk on the moon) Christa McAuliffe (teacher and astronaut) Albert Einstein (one of the world's greatest ever geniuses) Jonas Salk (developed Polio vaccine) Mary Edwards Walker (first female surgeon in U.S. army) Rachel Carson (great environmentalist) • Heroes from Different Walks of Life: Adults from the World of Entertainment - Children - and a Folk Legend Speakers Jackie Robinson (Baseball) Steven Spielberg (Movies) Elvis Presley (Music) Mattie Stepanek (Child poet) Samantha Smith (Child peacemaker) John Chapman (Folk legend) Sample Text Play 1 Heroes of the American War of Independence Paine: But what always struck me about this learned gentleman - right from the very first time I met him in England - was his tremendous sense of humor! Revere: Here! Here! I remember telling the missus, after she'd invited some friends to stay "Fish and visitors smell after three days"! And because these were Franklin's words, she threw them out the next day!
Amazing Women Guided Reading Scripts

Amazing Women Guided Reading Scripts

Amazing Women Guided Reading scripts (group readers/Readers Theater) These 5 plays (6 speakers each) plus quizzes start by taking a look at Amazing Women from across the world and across the centuries, and then focuses on the part played by women in shaping America's history - fighting for a voice both in society and politics. Reading time for each play is around 10 minutes. There are also quizzes - one for each, varying from 25 to 50 questions. 1.Amazing Women From Across the World: 15th - 20th century Speakers: Interviewer Elizabeth I Catherine the Great Indira Gandhi Eleanor Roosevelt Joan of Arc Sample Text: Eleanor: Well, thank you. Though I did just what I felt was right. Catherine: And you will go down in history as being a shining beacon of light. Course, that's what some of us set out to do - but things just didn't quite work out that way. 2. Amazing Women From Across the World: 20th Century Speakers: Mother Theresa Helen Keller (Helen) Anne Frank (Anne) Marie Curie (Marie) Princess Diana (Di) Margaret Thatcher (Maggie) 3. Amazing Women in the American Women's Suffrage Movement Speakers: Interviewer Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucy Stone Carrie Chapman Catt Jeanette Rankin Alice Paul 4. Amazing Women in the American Civil Rights Movement Speakers: Interviewer Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman Ida Wells Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer Rosa Parks 5. Amazing First Ladies 31-35 Speakers: Interviewer Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Wife of John F. Kennedy Claudia Taylor Johnson Wife of Lyndon B. Johnson Pat Ryan Nixon Wife of Richard Nixon Betty Bloomer Ford Wife of Gerald Ford Rosalynn Smith Carter Wife of Jimmy Carter
PSHE Guided Reading Scripts and Stories

PSHE Guided Reading Scripts and Stories

PSHE Guided Reading Scripts (Readers Theater) and Stories - Key Stage II I. How the Butterfly Lost his Bad Temper II. How the Butterfly Lost her Dissatisfaction III. How the Butterfly Lost his Vanity IV. How the Butterfly Learned to Fly V. How the Butterfly Learned to Fly Higher Based on Life Lessons: 1. Appreciate what you have 2. Stop ‘wanting’/looking for more 3. Recognising that external beauty is not everything 4. Just do it! 5. The importance of striving/realising your potential Each story is followed by the guided reading script, then the discussion/question and answer session. The stories and guided reading scripts are 5 – 10 minutes in length. Total reading time: around an hour The 5 guided reading scripts have 2 speakers each – total of 10 altogether. Sample Text - Guided Reading Script Butterfly: Me too! To think what I used to be like! Thank goodness I met you! Snail: And it was the best day of my life when I met you! Butterfly: And to think how rude I was to you? I still can’t believe you didn’t just walk – sorry, slide – off! Snail: And miss out on the best friendship of my life? Oh, I don’t think so! Butterfly: But you couldn’t have known that at the time? Snail: Well, no. But then some things, indeed most things, take time. And that’s a good thing! Butterfly: Yes, my flitting certainly allowed no time for appreciating what I had – or what I might have, if I only stopped still long enough to see it! Sample Text - Story At which point that bad-tempered butterfly paused, quite suddenly; and didn’t move an inch – something unheard of for him. And then, just as suddenly, that bad-tempered butterfly let out a great cry of joy, followed by these words. ‘Wow! My life is indeed amazing! I can fly! I have sunshine in my wings! I ..’ But at that point the bad-tempered butterfly’s expression changed from total delight to …. Well, something closely akin to sadness. ‘Forgive me. I can’t help but look at you and think – you have, well, nothing’.
Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz

Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz

Pirates Smugglers and Shipwrecks Guided Reading Scripts plus Quiz This is a special cut-price package including: 3 scripts, with 6 speakers each: • Pirates Ahoy! Script • Smugglers Alert! Script • Shipwrecks! Script Plus • Pirates Quiz Pirates Ahoy! This 'interview' draws out the main historical facts available on these characters. Additional background information is supplied at the end of the play – with a quiz (30 Q & A) to follow. Sample Text 1: Duration around 10 minutes Interviewer: Something tells me we’re not going to get a lot of sense out of Captain Morgan this morning! Mary Read: Oh! Don’t you worry! You wouldn’t believe what us pirates are capable of – even after a large number of rums! Interviewer: Hmm. So I’ve heard! But perhaps we’d better start with this Welshman Black Bart: Who? Me? Interviewer: No. I’ll come to you in a minute. I was going to have a few words with Captain Morgan here – whilst he’s still capable of speech! Blackbeard: (Hissing) You’d better get in there quick, then! And I’d make it a simple question, if I were you! Interviewer: OK. So, why are pirates, pirates? Cpt. Morgan: Because they Arrrrrrrrrrr! Smugglers Alert! Sample Text 2: Duration: around 5 - 10 mins Interviewer: Now, come along, gentlemen! Perhaps we are being a little heavy on Mr. Johnstone! Don’t you agree, Mr. Trenchard? Trenchard: Actually, I’m with them on this one! However much I might have disapproved of the violence I saw going on around me, nothing would have made me turn my old mates in! Interviewer: Well, of course not! Copinger: But that’s what this gentleman did! Rattenbury: Not only did he swap sides as in swapping what country he fought for but he also went from being the hunted to the hunter! Interviewer: You mean, he became a revenue man? Kingsmill: (Spitting) He did indeed! How much lower could he stoop? Shipwrecks - Sample Text 3 Duration: Around 5 minutes (SOSD stands for Salty Old Sea Dogs) S.O.S.D. 1: OK. So what about that Marie Celeste? S.O.S.D. 2: Indeed. What about that Marie Celeste? Nobody knows! S.O.S.D. 3: There may have been survivors – but there was no sign of them when the sailing ship was found drifting in the Atlantic Ocean, 1872. S.O.S.D. 4: Did they abandon ship? Were they attacked? Nobody will ever know what happened. It’s one of those Bermuda Triangle riddles that has no answer.
Alternative Hamlet guided reading script plus lesson plan and synopses

Alternative Hamlet guided reading script plus lesson plan and synopses

Alternative Hamlet guided reading script plus lesson plan and synopses of original story and alternative This script is a conversational piece between 6 speakers. And is also available as part of a collection of four (with additional synopses – of the original and alternative scripts): • Hamlet • Macbeth • Midsummer Night's Dream • Romeo & Juliet off TES and ww.plays-r-ussell.com Sample Text: Speakers: Narrator Hamlet Claudius Gertrude Polonius Laertes Narrator: So, who’s going to tell me what really happened? Hamlet: What do you mean? Everyone knows it was Claudius who killed my father, then married my mother, stepping into my father’s shoes as both husband and king! Gertrude: (Sighing) Oh Hamlet! Can you still not face up to the truth? After all that has happened? Claudius: A pity he couldn’t face up to it before! Polonius: Just think how many lives that would have saved! Mine for one! Laertes: And mine, plus my sister’s. Hamlet: (Sarcastically) And those of my devoted parents? I don’t think so! Gertrude: Oh Hamlet, what did I ever do to deserve such cruel words? What would your father have said? Hamlet: Which one? The one you married in such joyful circumstances,… or the other, whom you married in such disgraceful haste? Gertrude: You know full well, I meant your natural father. He was indeed a fine and noble man. Hamlet: So why did you swap him for this rogue? This devil? This murderer? Laertes: You really didn’t think much of your new father, did you, Hamlet? Hamlet: Huh! And what about yours? Nothing very noble about his snooping around, finding out mischief wherever he could! Just a question of time before that proved his undoing! Polonius: You really do have the most bitter heart! None of us ever bore you any malice. I do wonder where all that inner poison came from – that so poisoned your soul. Hamlet: Well, there was plenty of the real stuff around! Like what killed my father, for example! Claudius: How many more times do you have to be told – it was an accident. There was no foul play. Narrator: I think we need to look at this pretty carefully, as it is this matter of guilt upon which the whole story hinges. It was always my understanding that Hamlet was the hapless victim, driven by revenge for the murder of his father. Claudius: But that’s just it! There was no murder! It was all in his head! Hamlet: Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you? Narrator: So where is your proof, Hamlet? It had better be good or you’ve got a lot to answer for!
St. George's Day Set of 5 Guided Reading Plays on England

St. George's Day Set of 5 Guided Reading Plays on England

St. George's Day Set of 5 Guided Reading Plays on England: 1. St. George Meets Robin Hood 2. A Brief History of the English Monarchy 3. Famous People 4. England's Geography and 'Places' 5. English Customs This set of 5 plays, with 6 speakers each, plus quizzes, was written in celebration of St. George's Day. Narrated in all 5 plays by St. George himself, .... with a little help from Robin Hood! Sample Texts: Play 1 St. George meets ... Robin Hood St. George: Ah Robin! Thank you so much for joining me this morning. I trust you have been given an explanation as to why you are here? Robin Hood: Indeed. And may I say, it is an honour to fulfill such a role. That is, to one such as yourself. Play 2 St. George: Please! A little respect for the dead! OK so Henry VIII wouldn't be most women's number one choice husband Robin: Not if they valued their necks! St. George: But his daughter certainly made up for his lack of heart! Elizabeth I: Good Queen Bess! That's what they called me! Play 3 Queen Eliz: Of course not! It was those other great qualities - of standing up for what you believed in St. George: Like when I stood up for my faith, even though it cost me my life. Churchill: "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.." Shakespeare: (Interrupting) "Friends, Romans and countrymen, lend me your ears .." Lennon: Sadly that Emperor Diocletian didn't lend his or he wouldn't have had you beheaded ... Play 4 St. George: But before we visit any of these places, let us quickly look at where England itself is. Robin: That's easy! South of Scotland and East of Wales! Play 5 Weatherman: Indeed. Every cloud has a silver lining! St. George: Really? Robin: Just an old English proverb. We have lots of those
Rumpelstiltskin play or guided reading script

Rumpelstiltskin play or guided reading script

Rumpelstiltskin play This is an alternative version of the original Brothers Grimm version. Cast of 6, reading time approximately 20 minutes Includes: Synopsis of original fairy tale, play script, teaching input, discussion and suggested follow up activities. This script can be used for performance - as an assembly/class play; or as a guided reading script with built in lesson plan (as described above). This is the first of a series of 'alternative' fairy tales written by Sue Russell - coming up: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty - these last three already available as assemblies/class plays, cast size 30 (easily adaptable up or down). Snow White also available as a pantomime. Rumpelstiltskin Sample Text: Narrator: Good morning. And welcome to one of our favourite fairy tales (Enter Rumpelstiltskin) Rumpelstiltskin: Rumpelstiltskin! That’s me! Narrator: A veritable fiend! Villain! Crook! Rumpelstiltskin: (Interrupting) Er, wait a minute! Are we talking about the same fairy tale? (Narrator consults his notes) Narrator: Well, I think so. Weren’t you the horrible little Rumpelstiltskin: (Interrupting) Could you be just a tiny bit less offensive? I mean, ‘horrible’, ‘little’. Aren’t there any rules on political correctness here? Narrator: (Apologetically) Oh I’m sorry. You're right (Putting script to one side) I’ll try not to follow this quite so much (Rumpelstiltskin walks over and takes a look at the script) Rumpelstiltskin: (Snorting) Pah! As I thought! Those Brothers Grimm! The way they described their characters! They’d never get away with it today! ‘Little man’ indeed! How would they like to be vertically challenged? Narrator: You know, I do sympathise with you. I think you have a right to feel the way you do! Rumpelstiltskin: Well, thank you Narrator: But that doesn’t completely excuse your behaviour. Rumpelstiltskin: (Exploding) My behaviour? What about that of the king and the girl’s own father?
Odysseus and the Cyclops lesson plan, guided reading script & quiz

Odysseus and the Cyclops lesson plan, guided reading script & quiz

Odysseus and the Cyclops lesson plan, guided reading script & quiz Each 'package' consists of lesson plan plus guided reading script (6 speakers) plus quiz/reading comprehension. Lesson Plan (Around 20 - 30 minutes) The lesson time can be reduced to 20 minutes by e.g. omission of quiz/discussion. The script takes around 10 minutes reading time. The quiz takes around 5 – 10 minutes. These resources accommodate both small group and all class engagement. As explained in the lesson plan, whilst a group of six speakers read the script, the rest of the class (divided into teams) follows in order to answer questions that follow. There are also some ideas for follow up discussion, time permitting. Time allowance is flexible - from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how much of the package is used. This script, along with four others (Theseus and the Minotaur, The Gorgon's Head, Pandora's Box and The Tale of Two Spinners) is available as one product - The Ancient Greek Myths Guided Reading Scripts Sample text: Greek warrior 2 (laughing): Yes, we’ve heard how being a blacksmith was just a little bit too taxing for you! Did being born with only one eye mean you were only born with half a brain? Cyclops 2: How rude! Though I guess it was a shame we forgot our old blacksmith skills. Polyphemus: Even though I would never have driven a red-hot stake into the eye of any creature. Greek warrior 1: Not even one that was holding you captive, and eating 2 men for breakfast and supper, every day? Odysseus: Real convenience food, we were! Polyphemus: Well, you did make a welcome change from lamb stew! Poseidon: Enough! Here I am, trying to defend you, Polyphemus, and all you can do is confirm their story! What are you? Stupid, or something? Sample Quiz/Reading Comprehension Questions • What animals did Cyclops look after? • What trade had Zeus originally trained the Cyclops for? • How did Polyphemus prevent Odysseus and his men from escaping from his cave? • Why did the Cyclops not help Polyphemus? • What did Odysseus use to dull Polyphemus’s senses ..even more?
Aesop Fables Guided Reading Scripts

Aesop Fables Guided Reading Scripts

Aesop Fables Guided Reading Scripts SPECIAL HALF TERM OFFER: Set of 5 Guided Reading Scripts, from Aesop Fables - available individually @ £5.00 Special Offer - all 5 for £15 These scripts, 6 speakers each, can be used within the classroom, in English or PSHE, or for *performance. They each come with lesson plan, original story synopsis, discussion points and suggestions for further activities. *as separate plays (6 speakers), or one combined play(cast of 30) Five Aesop Fables: · The Lion and the Mouse · The Fox and the Stork · The Tortoise and the Hare · The Jay and the Peacocks · The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs The Five PSHE Themes are: · Friendship · Mutual Respect · Taking Time · Being Happy with Who and What we are · Being Satisfied with What We've Got Duration: Each script is between 5 and 10 minutes reading time. As each comes with additional activities, this resource is potentially five 20-30 minute lessons – so could be done over the course of a week or spread out over a longer period. Happy Customer: "I am so excited to use these! I was beginning to forget who I am as a teacher especially during guided reading because I was trying so hard to fit into my schools strict guided reading expectations and I think this will really help me discover me again. Thank you so much!" Rating: 4.0 So lovely to receive comments like this - within 24 hours of releasing these scripts! Thank you so much to this teacher - made my day! Currently working on a 5 scene/5 guided reading script adaptation of The Wind in the Willows. Hope it gets the same reception!
The Ugly Duckling Guided Reading Script

The Ugly Duckling Guided Reading Script

The Ugly Duckling Guided Reading Script or Readers Theater for Group of six speakers This is one of a collection of Hans Christian Andersen stories and includes teaching input, discussion and suggestions for further activities - i.e. ample content for a lesson. It can equally be used as a literary or PSHE resource. It could also be used as a small play, for performance, with a few ‘tweaks’ and the addition of the music suggestions below. Music 1. ‘There once was an ugly duckling’ song 2. Swan Lake – Tchaikovsky 3. You’re so Vain – Carly Simon Cast of 6: Narrator The Ugly Duckling Farmyard Turkey Swan 1, 2 & 3 Duration: Around 10 minutes reading time Sample Text 1 Ugly Duckling: ‘Oh dear!’ Narrator: (Puzzled) Pardon? Ugly Duckling: ‘Oh dear!’ I mean, that was the first thing I heard when I emerged into this world. Swan 1: Oh, you poor, dear sweetheart! Farmyard Turkey: (Mimicking Swan 1) Ah bless! You little darling! Swan 2: (To Turkey) What is your problem? Did nobody ever show you any love? Farmyard Turkey: Well, now you come to mention it, no! Swan 3: Oh dear! That would explain a lot! Farmyard Turkey: (Angrily) I beg your pardon? Heh, I’ve survived, haven’t I? And not, may I add, done so very badly for myself! Think farmyard status again! Narrator: Oh, you and your farmyard status! I wonder how you’d have fared outside that yard, in the bigger world? Farmyard Turkey: (Anxiously) Ooh, you wouldn’t get me going beyond the farmyard gate! Ugly Duckling: And that’s exactly to and beyond where I was chased! Narrator: But, hold on a minute. What about those other ducklings? Swan 1: Yeah. Those first brothers and sisters of yours? Swan 2: Didn’t they stand by you? Swan 3: Didn’t they stick up for you? Ugly Duckling: You are joking? From the minute they saw me they made fun of me! Sample Text 2 (Demonstrating PHSE link) Narrator: Nah! Ever heard the expression, beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Swan 2: Meaning? Narrator: That what is ugly and unattractive to one person, is totally beautiful to another! Ugly Duckling: A shame my brothers and sisters didn’t see that! Narrator: Because you were different from them. And sometimes being different is quite scary to others. They feel threatened. Ugly Duckling: They feel threatened? They want to feel what it’s like to be on the receiving end! Narrator: Which is why we should always treat others as we’d like to be treated ourselves.
Fairy Tale Pantomime and/or Set of Guided Readers

Fairy Tale Pantomime and/or Set of Guided Readers

Fairy Tale Pantomime This script can either be used for performance purposes - as a pantomime, a Christmas play or an assembly - or as a set of guided reading scripts (Readers Theater) to be used within the classroom. 35 pages of fun – and extremely bad jokes! Cast of 30 (five groups of six) Play I SLEEPING BEAUTY Speaker 1 Narrator Speaker 2 Sleeping Beauty Speaker 3 Prince (girl) Speaker 4 Good Fairy (boy) Speaker 5 Bad Fairy (boy) Speaker 6 Sleeping Beauty’s Mother – the Dame Play II CINDERELLA Speaker 7: Cinderella Speaker 8: Bad Sister 1 Speaker 9: Bad Sister 2 Speaker 10: Fairy Godmother Speaker 11: Prince Speaker 12: Cinderella’s Step-Mum alias ‘Dame’ Play III SNOW WHITE Speaker 13: Mirror Speaker 14: Wicked Queen/Step-Mother Speaker 15: Snow White Speaker 16: Huntsman/Prince Speaker 17: Dwarf 1 Dopey/Dame Speaker 18: Dwarf 2 Jolly Play IV Little Red Riding Hood Speaker 19: Little Red Riding Hood Speaker 20: Little Red Riding Hood’s Mother Speaker 21 Big Bad Wolf Speaker 22: Grannie/Dame Speaker 23: Huntsman Speaker 24: Censor Play V RUMPELSTILTSKIN Narrator: Narrator Speaker 25: Rumpelstiltskin Speaker 26: Daughter Speaker 27: King Speaker 28: Miller Speaker 29: Queen/Dame Duration: Around 30 minutes not including music suggestions (around 5 minutes for each of 5 plays) Sample Text: Music 1 – A medley of Christmas songs (Children file in, seating themselves along 2 rows of 15, facing the audience; in 5 groups of 6) Narrator: Good morning and welcome to our pantomime (Whole Cast stands) Whole Cast: (In disbelief) Our what? Narrator: You heard! I have decided that this year Child 1: (Interrupting) No way! Child 2: We’re always happy to come to your drama group, sir, but Child 3: Absolutely no way are we doing panto! Narrator: Oh yes you are! Whole Cast: Oh no we’re not! Narrator: There you are! I knew you wouldn’t take much persuading! Child 4: Er, I think you just misheard. We said Whole Cast: Oh no we’re not!
The Emperor's New Clothes Guided Reading Script

The Emperor's New Clothes Guided Reading Script

The Emperor's New Clothes Guided Reading Script This is one of a collection of Hans Christian Andersen stories and includes Teaching Input, Discussion and Suggestions for Further Activities - i.e. ample content for a lesson. It can equally be used as a literary or PSHE resource. It could also be used as a small play, for performance, with a few ‘tweaks’ and the addition of the music suggestions below. Music 1. Fashion - David Bowie 2. You’re so Vain – Carly Simon Cast of 6: • Narrator • Emperor • Weaver 1 & 2 • Royal Adviser • Street Child Duration: Around 10 minutes reading time Sample Text: Narrator: (To Street Child) Apart from you, you all went along with this charade – just so as to save face? Well, really! Royal Adviser: Yes, I know it looks bad Narrator: It most certainly does Emperor: But I wonder what you’d have done, especially as everyone else seemed to be going along with it? Narrator: But couldn’t you see you were being taken for a song and a dance? Weaver 1: It was quite funny! Weaver 2: Especially when the emperor here actually turned up to try on his new clothes Weaver 1: After having given us all that money and gold thread and Emperor: (Interrupting) Yes, yes. Must you rub it in? Haven’t I been humiliated enough? Royal Adviser: (Groaning) Oh, if only I had had the strength to admit to what I could see – as in, nothing! No cloth on the loom, no clothes, just air! Emperor: And what a lot of hot air you were! Coming back telling me how wonderfully the work was progressing. How delighted I was going to be with my new clothes! Royal Adviser: But I didn’t want to appear either unfit for my job or stupid. Narrator: And so, you ended up being both! Street Child: I’ll never understand grown-ups! Other Hans Christian Anderson stories available are: • The Ugly Duckling (with more to come)
Time Travelling in Ancient Egypt Guided Reading Scripts

Time Travelling in Ancient Egypt Guided Reading Scripts

Time Travelling in Ancient Egypt Guided Reading Scripts or Readers Theater This is the first of a series of ‘Time Travels’ – based on guided reading scripts which were written as supplementary classroom resources to Class Plays or Assemblies. Please note: This Time Travel Series only currently consists of the one product - on Ancient Egypt. I am really waiting to see if there is sufficient interest in this product in order to follow with the rest of the series. A group of Time Travelers has been added along with a few 'tweaks' to the original script (still available along with accompanying quizzes under Guided Reading - Ancient Egyptians Guided Reading Play Scripts.) Written in play format with 6 speakers to each of 5 ‘plays’ (Total number of speakers – 30) Each play is around 5 minutes reading time and comes with a quiz at the end Total time: around 35 – 40 minutes Unit 10The Ancient Egyptians Introduction to Ancient Egypt Guide plus five other Time Travelers – Adam, Mary, Peter, Susan and Phillip Guide: Well, what do you know? Here we are! Adam: But where is here? Guide: (Looking around) Why, here in Ancient Egypt of course! Play 2 Farmer's Year Speakers: Farmer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 &6 Farmer 3: Though we did leave a lot behind for those archaeologists! Always digging things up and learning about how we lived. Farmer 4: Pots and pans, jewelry, weapons, (pause) .. and loo seats! Yes, the first known toilet seat in the world was dug up in the ancient Egyptian city of Akhenaten in 1350 B.C. I don't suppose anyone was still sitting on it! Play 3 Daily Life Speakers: Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Teacher, Priest Son: Yes, they weren't just amazing buildings, for us living persons to stand and admire. Priest: No indeed. Far more importantly they were designed to send our pharaohs to join the gods in heaven. Daughter: Wasn't that called the after-life? Priest: Yes. A world free of low life. Son: Are you talking about those tomb robbers again? Priest: Yes. We tried to make things harder for them. And then someone thought of hidden tombs! Play 4 The After-life Speakers: Chief Priest, Embalmer, Mummy, Anubis, Osiris, Ammut Chief Priest: Ready to stuff? Embalmer: Yup! With straw, linen and sweet smelling herbs! Add a little salt Mummy (muttering): This one obviously thinks he's a celebrity chef! Chief Priest: No! A little more than just a pinch of salt! This natron needs to cover the body if it's going to dry out over the next 40 days! Play 5 The Gods Speakers: Amun, Nut, Thoth, Human, Hapi, Seth Hapi (snorting) Hmph! Hapi by name but not always by nature!
Peter Pan Cast of 6 script plus teaching ideas

Peter Pan Cast of 6 script plus teaching ideas

Peter Pan Cast of 6 Script This script comes with synopsis, teaching input and further discussion ideas – the whole ‘package’, including 10-minute reading time of script, coming to around 20 – 30 minutes. Also available: Peter Pan Play – in two versions: • one for primary school children (7 to 11-year olds) • the other, which includes a social commentary from J.M. Barrie, for upper Key Stage II primary school children plus i.e. from 10 years on Sample Text: Narrator: And so, our task today Peter Pan: To take you to Neverland! Tinker Bell: With me! Wendy: And me! Tinker Bell: (Groaning) Oh, must we? Peter Pan: (Angrily) Tink! We’re talked about this Wendy: (Interrupting) You mean her insane jealousy Tinker Bell: (Interrupting) What? Of you? Don’t flatter yourself! Captain Hook: (Intervening) Ladies! Please! Where’s your self-respect? Crocodile: Tick! Tick! Tick! Captain Hook: (Screaming) Oh no! Not now! Wendy: (Sarcastically) Did someone just mention self-respect? Narrator: (To Captain Hook) And a pirate, too! What is the matter with you, man? Captain Hook: Oh nothing! (Rounding on Narrator, angrily) Other than the fact I lost an arm to this monster! I wonder how you would feel about that? Peter Pan: Er, not strictly true. It was I that severed that limb from your body! Captain Hook: (Shrieking) Oh, don’t remind me! Peter Pan: And then fed it to this crocodile! Crocodile: Yum yum! Definitely gave me the taste for some more! Tinker Bell: Which you got – right at the end! Wendy: Nothing like a happy ending!
Thank You NHS

Thank You NHS

A Huge Thank You to Our National Health Service is just a short note of thanks for the tireless effort of our heroes in the NHS. There can be any number of speakers as these are non-specific. There are 25 plus Narrator in this script but speakers can double up (to reduce number) or have additional text added with additional speakers. This is just a very brief ‘thank you’ and glimpse at when and why the NHS was set up i.e. its aspirations. Sample text: Narrator: Good morning. And welcome to our celebration of our great National Health Service. (Whole cast cheers) Speaker 1: We are all in awe of what the people within the NHS do for us. Speaker 2: During the COVID-19 crisis they have and continue to stand out as our nation’s absolute heroes. (Whole cast applauds) Speaker 3: Yes, every Thursday night for the ten-week Lockdown period we all stepped outside our homes, at 8pm and put our hands together in recognition of the amazing work our NHS workers do. Narrator: It was also to thank all our key workers who kept this country going. They played a crucial role and I repeat, a huge thank you to all of them too. Speaker 4: It became a weekly ritual and we are hoping the whole nation will put their hands together again on July 5th to celebrate the NHS’s seventy second birthday!